Sea Stories

Mr Midshipman Easy

Jack Easy, the hero of Captain Marryat's story, was "no fool, but a bit of a philosopher." He had been spoiled by an indulgent mother and a foolish father, who was continually prosing about "equality and the rights of man." Indeed, Jack could

even out-talk his father upon this subject. "There was no end to Jack's arguing the point, though there seldom was point to his argument." At sixteen he resolved to leave school and go to sea; and though Mr. Easy was unwilling, Jack insisted on his "rights" as his father's "equal," and the old man yielded. He was to sail as midshipman on the sloop-of-war Harpy, with Captain Wilson, a relative of his father's. He set out for Portsmouth with plenty of money in his pockets, and squandering this he loitered three weeks in the town without reporting to his ship. When Captain Wilson heard of this he sent Mr. Sawbridge, his lieutenant, to summon the boy. Mr. Sawbridge peremptorily ordered Jack on board; but the officer was not in uniform, and Jack did not understand naval etiquette. He pertly refused to go until he should be ready, arguing his "equality" with any officer. Lieutenant Sawbridge departed, threatening that if Jack did not appear that night a file of marines should arrest him in the morning. He reported Jack's disobedience to the Captain, but the latter, hoping to undo the father's foolish lessons, resolved to discipline the boy gradually and gently. He sent a note inviting him to breakfast at nine on the following morning, which invitation Jack politely accepted. The next few pages give Jack's first experience of "equality" at sea.

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